View Presence Group
Phone presence allows you to see, in real time, whether other users in your account are on the phone. This feature must be enabled by your verified VoIP integrator or you will not see the presence icon on the right-hand side of Boomea.
To set up your presence groups, select the presence icon.
Once the presence window is revealed, you will see several things.
- Add presence group Icon.
- This brings you to the add presence group page.
- Edit presence group icon.
- This brings you to the edit presence group page.
- Select presence group dropdown list.
- Select which group you want to currently watch.
- List of people from company directory.
- Individual avatars.
- Will be a colored circle with the first initial and last initial by default.
- Phone Icon and names. Clicking the phone icon will initiate a call to that person from your selected device.
- Green:
- This means the person is available.
- Red:
- This means the person is on the phone.
- Softly blinking Yellow
- This means the person is ringing.
- Blinking between Red and Yellow
- This means that someone who is on a call is also ringing.
- Green:
- “X” (Close Icon)
- Closes the presence group window
Add Presence Group
Click on the add presence group icon. This will reveal the Add Presence Group window on the left-hand side. It contains:
- A search bar. You can search by name or EXT number
- Enter name field. Give this group a name.
- Add park icon. Clicking this will display a pop up window with the parking spot information.
- Save Icon. Pressing this saves the presence group.
- Users. These can be grabbed and pulled over to the other side to either add or remove them from the group.
- Add all contacts button. Clicking this adds all of the contacts into the group
- Remove all contacts button. Clicking this removes all of the contacts from the group.
Saving the group closes this page and adds the group to the presence group window to the left. The group you just created will now be selectable to view.
Edit Presence Group
Once you select the edit group icon you will be taken to the edit presence group page. This page contains:
- Search bar. Here you can search for names or EXT numbers.
- The group name. This is editable.
- Add Parking spot icon.
- Delete group icon.
- Save group icon.
- Users. These can be clicked and dragged into or out of a group.
- Add all contacts button. Selecting this adds all of the users to the group.
- Remove all contacts button. Selecting this removes all contacts from the group.